Campaign Literature
I saw this at …
Today, for no readily apparent reason, we received a package at the Max 910 studios, the content of which was all about Measure 36. Mixed in with all of the info packets and lists of reasons to *ahem* support the measure, there was, FOR NO REASON, a big photo of a smiling black woman. No text, no explanation, just a cheerfully grinning Nubian princess. I’m unclear about what, exactly, this woman has to do with Measure 36. More puzzling is the fact that she’s not identified or acknowledged in any way, apart from her picture’s inclusion.
We at the Rick Emerson Show welcome theories about her inclusion in the packet. I’m honestly curious—if you can figure it out, lemme know. Until then, remember: only you can stop the Pink Menace!
Your photograph:
The one thing I can say about this is that at the moment, Right-wing circles believe that they have a wedge issue with gay-rights and gay marriage. Polls show Black people are cold on the idea, and indeed my personal experience tells me that in general young African Americans are a bit more … um… gay hating than urban White Americans (I won’t venture into Rural America here, because at that point it all goes flat.) Feel free to consider the sociology behind the reasonings, if you feel you must.
Here’s The Village Voice. Here’s the Washington Times.
Beyond that, I haven’t a clue as to the precise nature of that particular black woman. A “Family Values” / “Inclusion” document of some type?