Where’s Ann Coulter when you need her?

The two of them gave me an idea, and, well, hear me out for a minute. It’s crazy, but it’s so crazy it just might work. Let’s forcibly convert the world to Quakerism. Quakers don’t start wars, or take hostages, or play their stereos real loud when you’re trying to sleep. The Left can get behind this because the Friends are one of the most liberal of denominations, and the Right’s already on board because I said “forcible conversion.” Problem solved.

(from here, comment for here.)

More from Bellatrys:

Doghouse Riley, that’s so crazy it just might work. Granted, William Penn is not the first person you think of when you think “Muscular Christianity,” but the world might just be ready for Militant Quakerism these days. (Plus we can just remind the Paleocons that Saint Nixon was a Quaker, and leave out the fact that he was a very bad Quaker.)

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