RNC Convention Protests

We know that New York City Mayor Bloomberg is offering visiting protesters tot he RNC Convention swathy perks such as discounted tickets to Broadway shows, and free food from participating restaurants.

It’s no fun to protest on an empty stomach.

The price is that you need to play by their rules… all their rules, and you have this pin of some sort. It’s state-sanctioned protest vs. state-discouraged protest, befitting the attitude “This is a privilege” that the state grants the people, you see.

I don’t think the “Black Blocks” — the “Anarchists” — the “Radical Feeders” — are going to cash in on this. I’ll have to check NYC’s indymedia page at the time to see if anyone posts reviews of Rent amongs the sea of scary robo-cop photographs.

I’m curious, though. Could somebody go to NYC, get the stupid pin, and use that to get free food and discounted broadway shows? Or do you actually have to attend a goddamned protest?

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