Clyde Lewis Review
Because I’m sure you want to know what was said on Clyde Lewis’s paranormalpolitical radio program.
Alex Jones: This election reminds me of a line from a new movie that’s out, Alien Versus Predator.
Clyde Lewis: That’s right! Exactly!
Alex Jones, Clyde Lewis jumps in at the mid-point: “No matter who wins — YOU LOSE!”
(Amusing line, at least.)
Clyde Lewis: I have this liberal friend — interested in environmental matters… he regularly attends meetings for, and he’s lately said that the meetings have become rather lame. Giant Kerry worship surfaces, he calls them.
(The question as to how a person interfaces with a political party. For the Republicans, the giant poster of Eisenhower became a bit stale. The giant Republican posters in between — presidents Nixon and Ford and Bush I, and the more respected loser Goldwater, only briefly got played, Nixon’s poster torn down after Watergate and Ford’s poster torn down after his loss. Reagan now gets a giant poster for the Republicans to bow down before. Bush I gets a smaller poster, though the poster made nary an appearance until the 2000 election-cycle. The hope is that Bush II ‘s poster can replace, or be placed side by side, with the giant Reagan poster.
The Democratic poster of Kennedy was, by necessity, flown right into the 1992 election cycle. The Johnson Poster was supersized in 1964, but torn down completely in 1968. The Carter poster has slowly resurfaced and dusted off, a bit smallish. The McGovern poster was incinerated immediately. The Dukakis poster was immediately incinerated, and the ashes then incenerated again for good measure. Today, the Clinton poster is being blown up to a swelling size. We await to see what happens to the Kerry poster…)
Enough of that. Vote for John Kerry President 2004. Chuck Hagel 2008. We’ll see where we go from there.
THX 1138 is coming out on video. Watch for the signs.