Delayed Response
From the post regarding the literature on Skull and Bones, we get a Kevin Messerschmidt rushing in to defend the precious Skulls and the precious Bones.
Wow, talk about tinfoil hat. Pretty stupid “video”. I wonder how they compare to the tap night photos.
Hey, is that the Satanic master of ceremonies out in public with his costume? Oooh, the evil of it all.
I can only assume that the photograph that he has brought up is of Skull and Bones, and not of any of the other Yale Societies, such as Butts and Boners.
At any rate, here’s George Bush playing around with John Kerry. Look for this technique for prisoners after the US invades India…
QUICK UPDATE: This is not “Skull and Bones”. This is (and I’m not making this up) “Spade and Grave“. Well, the porn is nice, at least.
(This post has its unofficial message board thread over here.)