Throwing Grenades at Yourself
So, John Kerry’s war wounds are… self-inflicted?
See: this is push-back against John Kerry’s push-back ad that ends with the line “And he still has a piece of shrapnel in his leg today.” The image of John Kerry that they want to conjure up is one of a man who went to Vietnam with the sole and express purpose of setting up his 2004 presidential campaign.
What I want to know is: how do you throw a grenade into your leg? If you’re wanting to wound youself, why a grenade? Isn’t that a little bit too dangerous — perhaps a mere gun wound would work enough without the danger that the grenade would explode on yourself and kill you… or is that type of wound not as impressive as a grenade wound?
And what’s the trajectory of the shrapnel that is going into John Kerry’s skin?
Overall, a triumph of the Right-Wing Echo Chamber. You will notice that the Tony Snows of the world — ie: the supposed neutral hosts for Fox News’s “straight” news shows — deem that the Swift Boat Vets for Truth are “credible” and “at least need to be listened to”, and deemed Richard Clarke as “not credible” for various reasons.
(BTW: this is fairly interesting for our new minituiae induced politics of diversion.)