The Zell Miller Effect
The weird thing is that I thought he had already been named the “Keynote Speaker”. But, I guess the RNC just decided now to place him at the mythical “there”.
So, do we compare his speech to his own 1992 Keynote Speech at the DNC Convention or to Barack Obama’s Keynote Speech?
Some stuff on Senator Zell Miller.
Wait a minute!
He endorsed wackjob Cynthia McKinney when she ran successfully(the first time) for house of Representatives.
He… endorsed… Cynthia… McKinnley? Forget whatever your politics are on the matter and whatever the hell you think the Democratic Party should stand for — but: his entire thesis is that oldie and goodie about Liberal Leftists Hijacking the good olde Democratic Party and taking it out of step with the reality and concerns of ordianary people — especially in the South (he appears to be quite sensitive of his hill-billy up-bringing), etc etc blah blah blah.
As for McKinnley … the Green Party was considering running her for the Presidency. WHERE DO YOU THINK SHE FALLS ON THE LEFT-RIGHT SPECTRUM?
This completely alters my view of his political trajectory. I had assumed he was a moderate — perhaps slightly conservative — Democrat, and I assumed that that was why he helped offer up the nation the “New Democrat” known as Bill Clinton. From there, I assumed he had somehow bought the right-wing hype about Clinton’s “Historic Concentrated Liberalism”. (Earlier posts that I find myself repeatedly re-linking show how dubious I find his grievances with Clinton — wait a minute for it to jump to the entry –, but to each their own.), and perhaps culture-shock upon entering the Senate and seeing Ted Kennedy in his own party. Or something to that effect.
But it now appears that I’ve given him too much credit.
I note this line in this article:
A maverick who often votes with Republicans
Incorrect. He’s a “maverick” who “always” votes with Republicans.
“Senator Miller’s support is indicative of the broad support the Republican Party has earned under President Bush’s compassionate conservative leadership as Americans reject the ‘out of the mainstream’ direction of John Kerry’s Democratic Party.”
“Out of the mainstream” is the Democratic Party, eh? Right. Because Zell Miller speaks for ordinary Americans about ordinary concerns.
Kitchen table issues.
The number of times I’ve heard ordinary Americans disappointed with the Seventeenth Amendmen, yelling out “Why do these Liberal Elitists keep defending the Seventeenth Amendment? Us regular folk just can’t catch a break, what with this Seventeenth Amendment and all.
The number of ordinary people who have screamed out, looking for a hero that’ll take on The Culture of the Far Left which brought us “that ignoramus with his pointed head stuck up through a hole he had cut in the flag of the United States of America, screaming about having ‘a bottle of scotch and watching lots of crotch.” …
The Culture of the Far Left that brings us fervent Iraq War supporters that perform at RNC Conventions.
Never mind, though.