Muslims for Bush — all 12 of Them

Here’s the Muslims for Bush website.

On the front page, you see lots of pictures of Bush — George and/or Laura, standing next to Muslim Americans.

And you see several “Breaking News” items alerting to the world that Kerry only wants to do away with part of it. Moving to another page, I see an apologetic toward Bush — this organization opposes the Patriot Act (difficult to stay credible toward a Muslim crowd with full frontal support, I’d wager), but Kerry is being disingenuous with his stand. Or something to that effect.

Actually, try the Mission Page. Afghanistan. Iraq. Patriot Act. Pakistani Relations (that one is a bit disingenuous…) Okay… fine. But what’s this?


The whole site is peppered by quotes of Bush saying how much he loves Muslims. All over the place! This proponent of the site is the greatest content generator for the site.

Never mind, though. Let’s take a peek at the overall polling data for Muslim Americans:

Of the nearly 1,200 Muslim voters surveyed in June by the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), 55 percent said they had voted for Bush in 2000, but only 3 percent of those same voters would vote to re-elect him.

exit polls in the 2000 election indicated that Bush carried between 70 percent and 80 percent of the Muslim vote.

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