Should We Abondon Popular Government?

Alan Keyes comes out swinging , advocating abolishing the 17th Amendment which took the election of Senators away from State Governments and gave it to the popular vote.

“The balance is utterly destroyed when the senators are directly elected because the state government as such no longer plays any role in the deliberations at the federal level.”

Unfortunately, when Alan Keyes serves this first term in office, he probably won’t have many Senators lining up to attach their names to this Constitutional Amendment. Zell Miller is retiring, after all.

Barack Obama issued a statement:

I certainly trust the people of Illinois to choose who they want to represent them in the U.S. Senate. That is the very basis of our democracy.

But that’s just pandering…

(Of some interest is this biographical jottings for the four black Senators in US History… a list Obama will join next January.)

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