Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

The irradiated thoughts of Jerome R. Corsi, PhD., co-author of Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.

April 11, 2004: The LIMOUSINE LIBERAL candidate, JOHN KERRY, has a problem — nobody wants to run with him. It’s like even the RATS see him as a ship going down and they know that if they got on, they’d have to jump off in the end. Maybe he can run with a dead Communist guy, like John Lennon:


The LIMOUSINE LIBERAL candidate, JOHN KERRY has a plan to deal with the Islamofacists — CAPITUALTE to them because they are ANTI-AMERICAN. He’s done it before: And he’ll do it AGAIN: (Kerry/ Fonda 2004)

03/14/2004 Kerry is a Manchurian Candidate, he wants to capture the White House to promote his anti-American, Communist-leftist agenda. Any victory for the enemies of the USA, will be perceived as a victory for him. Kerry has supported Socialists and Communists since he got back from Vietnam.

03/02/2004 JaneFondaKerry is being heavily funded by Iranians — check out how Gore was funded by the Chinese in 2000. May not come out until after the election but when it comes to JustForKerry the old rule applies in every aspect of his life — “FOLLOW THE MONEY.”

11/05/2002 May the Holey Month of BOMBadan drone beyond Yemen to pursue all violence loving mothers and fathers of this hateful psuedo-religion.

A real wiener. I suspect that this “Vietnam Veterans For Truth” is a Kerry front group. What a better way to come out swinging on a major campaign theme (“Did you know that I was in Vietnam?”) than by setting up an absurd straw-man to destroy. At the same time, they can remind the anti-war Left that he fought against the war in Vietnam without unsettling too many “patriots” — some cultural Southerners in rural Ohio that he needs to make inroads with (notice how his anti-war past was glossed over in all tellings of Kerry’s biography at the DNC Convention), by setting up his Vietnam – era enemies’ gutteral vitrol. (“He’s a Commie! See — here he is standing next to John Lennon!!”)

hee hee hee hee. Via Scoobie Davis.

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