What Does Bush Mean?

So, what do you make of Bush’s new gaffe?

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we,” Bush said. “They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

On first blush, it seems to be a simple explication toward Teresha Heinz’s quote “They want four more years of Hell. But look closer.

When he refers to “our enemies”, he’s not referring to Al Qaeda or Islamo-fascists, but his political enemies — namely the John Kerry campaign, who already said this.

Bush means this: “Sure, my opponent has new and innovative ways to harm our country, but they’re nothing when compared to ours!”

I await Kerry’s response to this challenge.

What a great Campaign!

(Note: I’m just fulfilling the mandate that I was tossed with when I named this blog “Skull / Bones 2004”. Take heed. Take grains of salt.)

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