The Kennedys, Like a Sphinx, Rise From the Ashes
There is some merit to this, though I have a slightly different take.
There have been some key Bush — Kennedy fusions made. Arnold Schwarzeggar is the most obvious example — married to a Kennedy, though a Bush Republican through and through: what with his Enron connections and governance through stagecraft.
Also recall that Teddy Kennedy was the recipient of the 2003 George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service. At the time, raised eyebrows abounded: Is this a slap in the face from key Daddy Bush Administration figures at Sonny-boy Bush’s Foreign Policy?
… Or maybe it’s the power elites signifying the downfall of the Bushes and the Return of the Kennedys…
Previously, I wondered about the downfall of the Rockefellars. But, it’s hit me. They had their last hurrah (perhaps temporary, perhaps permanent) with the Ford assassination attempt. But, a Lewis Lapham piece from Fortune’s Child, tells of a jolt that the nation received when the Rockafellars had to unveil the total amount of their fortune…
… and the amount was disappoiningtly and surprisingly low. The Emperor has No Clothes!
This represented the passing of the torch from one elite group to another elite group: the Rockafellars to the Bushes, George Senior having been groomed in the CIA through the decade.
Likewise, Kennedy saving the Kerry campaign and basically taking it over, Kennedy taking over the Bush surrogate in California are manifestations of the Return of the Kennedys. A tragic family, that was supposed to be dead when John Kennedy, Jr fell into the sea back in the mide-late 1990s, is resurrected.
And the passing of the torch? When Kennedy received the Bush Award, of course. That was the hand-signal for the puppet-masters to start making their moves… to destroy the current administration, and to slowly but surely prop up Kerry.
Now we await to see if there are any signs from the Rockafellars of any rebirth or pulse.