Most members of the Coalition of the Willing were NEVER Terribly Willing
The Bush Administration has expressed concern that the Phillipines have agreed to remove all of their troops from Iraq in exchange for the release and non-beheading of a Philipino soldier.
Granted, it’s not a positive sign, and I’m weary of it, but…
A population made where 80 percent opposed starting a war in Iraq high-tails it out when the going gets rough, particularly after the reasons for the war fades into oblivion? Could you expect anything else?…
July 15th, 2004 at 10:43 pm
yeah, and according to WaPo “The Willing” are wavering left and right. Although I guess you can blame terrorism for Spain and the Phillipines and maybe a drive to piss Australia off for New Zealand’s upcoming withdrawal, it’s not exactly taking an iminent beheading for Norway to sober up.
The real news:
Many Senators Cower from Homosexual Lobby
Unfortunately, many of our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. have been taken hostage by militant homosexual advocates, who seek to redefine our most precious institutions, indoctrinate our children, and silence our pulpits. In doing so, it has become very obvious that many of America’s elected leaders have lost touch with mainstream America.
July 16th, 2004 at 11:09 am
I was wondering what the real news was!