Books That Tie in With Latest Political Shenanigans
Nancy Pelosi: ignoring his own State Department about what would happen after the fall of Baghdad and ignoring the intelligence as to the chaotic situation that would exist … carries with it a responsibility for all of the costs of war,” she said. “And that’s not only the president, that is all of us any time we vote to send our young people into harm’s way.
#1: The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Anderson.
You can stick the fact that Bush has had another photo-bust to the parable. One year ago, he went to a factory in Ohio to talk up the economy. That factory… has now closed.
Hm. Chalabi’s house has been raided.
“”Revolution is like Saturn, it devours its own children. ”
Georg Büchner
#2: George Buchner: The Complete Plays and Prose.
The third one is “The Wizard of Oz.”