Bring in the conspiracy theories

Bring in the Conspiracy theories…

Where the heck’s all the blood?

“…the CIA did it to take the heat off the Pentagon”–NBC reporter stated tonight prime time news, continuing, “…a story that will not die easily here in the Arab world”.

“No hay manera que el individuo en el video estaba vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impela sangre con gran presion, y se corta las arterias del pezqueso, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude.”

–Doctor Raul Castro Guevara

Oh, I find it very interesting, because out of the blue, there is a mention of al Qaeda on the U.S. government translation. It says: “Does al Qaeda need any further excuses?” Any speaker of the Arabic language is going to notice a difference between the word al Qaeda, which means “the base,” and al qaed, which means “the one sitting, doing nothing.”

My translation says: “Is there any excuse for the one who sits down and does nothing?” Basically they’re telling people, you have no excuse for not doing anything, for not acting and defending Islam and so forth. Whereas the U.S. government translation has this factual error, I’m sure it’s an honest mistake, but basically it sort of adds al Qaeda to the statement, which is not on the statement.

— CNN transcript, CNN SR. EDITOR FOR ARAB AFFAIRS Octavia Nasr

One of the clues the FBI and CIA is studying is the large gold ring Zarqawi is wearing on his right hand, giving off a glare several times during the six-minute tape.

There are the ingredients. Toss the salad whichever way you want to toss that salad.

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