LaRouche Advertises
I heard a Lyndon LaRouche commercial on Portland’s “Air America” station at, oh… about 4 am or thereabouts.
Apparently he wants to get us out of Iraq (through negotiations with Egypt and Iran and… other middle eastern countries), form a security zone of some sort (I suppose it’d be an exclusionary zone by default), and…
That way we can move our resources back to solving the real pressing problems: the looming global economic collapse.
This is the gist of the 30 seconds.
Regarding the global economic collapse: the Art Bells and Jeff Renses are always insisting that it’d be wise to buy your way into gold. (After the Y2K scare petered out… the sentiment continues unabetted.)
I assume that that is the sentiment of the LaRouchites as well… (consider that Jeff Rense is quite sympathetic toward LaRouche.)
The George Soroses of the world are currently betting against the dollar. (Europe would end American hegenomy through trade… and with a unified Euro.)
That, too, feeds into the Gold commonities market fervor.
It’s worth noting that Osama Bin Laden has endorsed Gold.
May 7th, 2004 at 7:05 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Air America Paycheck Discovered
Someone recently sent me an actual paycheck from Air America. Let’s just say: They’ve got issues:
view the scanned paycheck
May 9th, 2004 at 4:25 pm
It’s why they accept an advertisement from Lyndon LaRouche…
… and, for that matter, Shell Oil.