Spanish Socialists Go Hog Wild
Flick past Fox News early this afternoon. They were covering the Spanish elections.
To the horror of the Fox News-hounds, (and dashing of the hopes of the hopeful calculations of America’s Iraq War Hawks, the Socialists won.
The entire dynamic of the post-3/11 terrorist strike had been: if the signs pointed to Basque-rebels, the Conservatives will win. If the signs pointed to the Socialists, the Socialists win.
The Conservatives tried to the very last, despite the emerging evidence, to insist that it was an attack from Basque-Separatists. This politically-calculated denial out of desparation, more than anything else, very like dun ’em in.
Something on the order of 90 percent of the Spanish public was against Aznar’s “coalition of the willing” support for the Iraq War.
DAMNED Socialist appeasers!
The Fox News hounds stumbled about to couch the proper Chamberlain references with the miff of not coming across as “commenting” beyond the “Fair and Balanced” psuedo-mandate.
“You know… if a terrorist attack were to strike in America, it’d ensure a Bush victory, because the American people fully support the WAR ON TERROR ™.”
“Spain is Socialist-Land. Always has been, ever since Franco. We can expect the Spanish Stock market to slide into oblivion, a stock market that had only come alive under the watch of Prime Minister Aznar.”
“We really can’t separate the Basque-rebels with Al Qaeda, y’know. Same tactics. Inspired by one another.”
“This is a bad sign. It shows Al Qaeda that they can affect electoral politics throughout the world.”
And so on… and on… and on…